Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Recall Nanci Now!

I thought Nanci Pelosi was insane when she threatened to tattle on Vice President Cheney. Apparently her insanity had not come to fruition. Just how much good will it do for her to trapse around Syria and other radical Islamic countries touting "peace"? Absolutley none. Brace yourselves-I'm about to say something that is very un-PC and would upset the Euroweenies: Radical Islam is evil. I'm not going to beat around the bush about it. Her trip over there is only making us look weaker. And we don't need that right now. Oh sure, they are making a big show and probably making her feel like a rock star. But let's face it folks, women are treated as half human in these countries. If she actually lived there, she'd only live as long as she was useful to them. Then, off with her head. Or stoning. I guess that's the prefered method of getting rid of female rifraf. She's pandering to the hate America crowd with this trip. Also giving the liberal media and people like Rosie O'Donnell more ammunition. "See? The leader of Syria is a nice young man. He doesn't want to hurt anyone." Meanwhile he's openly funding terrorism and killing Americans and Jews.

Nanci's trip benefits no one. Absolutely no one. If her goal is to make us look like France (gag!) she's probably succeeding. But I don't want to be French or German for that matter.

The only thing these people understand is force and aggression. The only thing that will pull them in line is if we make them afraid of us. They just won't respect anything else.

I wish there was a way to recall Nanci Pelosi. But the media is eating this up and they're in love with her. So she's touted as a hero.

Meanwhile, the real heroes of this struggle, our soldiers, are painted as dangerously agressive. And thanks to Ms. Pelosi and her cronies may not get the funds they need to survive let alone continue the good fight.

I happen to think that's treasonous. But hey what do I know? I'm only a humble voter.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Save the Earth..Where's the Beef?

This story is from Drudge:

Of course the folks at PETA have it all backwards. Let's play connect the dots, shall we? The Kyoto treat was aimed at reducing CO2 emisions. A major contributor to CO2 is methane. Cows are major methane contributors via flatulence. It's also well known that if humans consume cows, sheep, and other ruminent animals we produce less flatulence. So how exactly are we helping to save the Earth if we take on a vegetarian lifestyle? The more veggies we eat the more, ahem, flatulence we produce and therefore more methane. I know this one for a fact. I have been on a high protein, low carb diet for 3 or 4 years and have had much less in the way of tummy trouble.

You want to save the Earth? Have a hamburger. Heck, go ahead and eat some chicken, lamb, pork, and even some wildebeest if you want.

I don't want to be responsible for making that hole in the ozone any bigger. I'll have a double cheeseburger and a side of shredded, BBQ'ed wildebeest please. Hold the fries.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All Alone at Last...With Al Gore??

When I finally get some "alone" time with my husband, there are certain things I hope won't pass through my mind. You know like my parents or my brothers, uh, doing the same thing. Well here's a new one. I don't want to think about trees, Al Gore(especially not AL GORE! ugh!!) or the environment.

Of course this is from the same country that thinks that the answer to global warming is contacting the aliens. So how can we expect anything different?

Not the least bit interested in what's going on outside while I'm in my boudoir.

Please, all you wacko environmentalists, keep your green thumb out of my bedroom.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Just for Fun...

The Canadians seem to have the answer to our global warming problems. Contact the aliens. No, not the illegal ones. The real thing. Think I'm joking? Just found this on Drudge.

UFO science key to halting climate change: former Canadian defense minister

Here's some quotes from the article:

"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa Citizen

Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.

Folks, this one stands on it's own and needs no commentary.

Everybody get out your foil hats and we'll have this global warming thing fixed up in no time.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Will a Real Woman Please Stand Up?

Nanci Pelosi, despite all her tough talk, can't seem to find her sea legs in the House of Representatives. Let's face it folks. You need a tough hide to be speaker. She's showing America that she has, like Susie Derkins from "Calvin and Hobbes", a delicate heiney. I heard Dick Cheney's comments about what the Democrats are trying to do to our soldiers in Iraq.

"I think if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we will do is validate the al-Qaida strategy. The al-Qaida strategy is to break the will of the American people … try to persuade us to throw in the towel and come home, and then they win because we quit."

Her response?
"And you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to call the president and tell him I disapprove of what the vice president said," (Waaahhh! I'm telling!!)

Even my 17 year old knows how to handle herself when someone says something that offends her. We've taught her to go to that person and tell them directly. What Queen Nanci is doing is downright childish.

So if she can't handle it herself, she should either grow some chest hair or ask a man to do the job. If this is the way she's going to handle critcism, she should step down immediately before she makes all women look bad.

Please Nanci, be a real woman or go home. For goodness sake, toughen up and take it like a man!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Muqtada al-Girlie Man

So it's been confirmed that Muqtada al Sadr has picked up his skirts and run to Iran. I have to question the masculinity of a man who runs from trouble or confrontation. Or American J-dams. He must be making a ton of cash on his propaganda. I really wish that he would just go out and "martyr" himself for crying out loud. Show a little courage and go out and do what you tell your thugs to do everyday. I guess there's just too much money to be made. And for these guys money talks, not convictions.

Muqtada al-girlie man is a nothing but a coward. I'll bet his pink frilly dress was showing when he took off for Iran.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A different twist

So I watched "An Inconvenient Truth" Almost fell asleep in the middle and had to shake myself to finish it. I'll say this. Al Gore really believes what he's talking about. His attitude is completely condescending. He talked to every audience like they were four. But I believe he's sincere. Wrong but sincere. There was some Bush bashing and some talk about the "so called skeptics" which drove me nuts. But I never have to do it again.

I have a different twist on this subject. As Christians we happen to believe in Creationism or Intelligent Design. This is something that "scientists" have railed against for years. I really believe that the reason a lot of these people will deny I.D to their dying breath is that they just can't bring themselves to believe that there is any Intelligence outside of ourselves. To even look in the direction of I.D. is to acknowledge that there is something out there that's bigger and smarter than us humans. To do that is to deny science as if the two can't ever walk hand in hand.

Well I was thinking that maybe it's the same kind of thing with Global Warming or Climate Change as it's known now. To say that weather or climate change just happens (which is what I happen to believe) is to say that something bigger than us is controlling it. Well we can't have that! It's always humans that cause everything. Mostly American humans according to Al Gore and his ilk but that's another discussion.

I almost never listen to "scientists" anymore. Most of them are so far out that what they say is not comprehendible anyway. Every so often they come out with some new study and then have to go back and reverse it a few years later. The only reliable information that has come out of that community in the past 50 yrs. or so is that cigarettes are bad for you. Somewhere along they way they have determined that God and science are not compatible and that's just a shame.

We humans are so puny. We are like a bunch of ants running around here on the big
earth thinking that we've created ourselves and we control the environment. What a bunch of hooey.

Al Gore is so pompous that it's really hard to listen to him. But I did it. For an hour and a half.
But I've always contended that you can't have a good debate unless you know what the other side is saying. Well now I know and I don't buy a word of it. Global warming is a bunch of bogus science that will line the pockets of Greenpeace, Sierra Club and the like.

I predict it will all be reversed in 20 yrs.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Get out the sawdust...

I am doing something tonight that I would rather not do. As a matter of fact I would rather sit down and eat a bowl of sawdust. I'm actually going to watch "An Inconvenient Truth" Why? Well I really want to write something about it but don't feel like I can do that with any integrity unless I subject myself to it. Wish me luck. I need to go drink some more wine before the torture begins.

Just kidding. (about the wine, not the movie)

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Rest of the Story

As it turns out, Joshua Sparling was actually at the Code Pink rally this weekend and not at a counter rally as was previously reported. He made his presence known to someone and gave a little speech. He was booed and from what he says also threatened. He was called murderer, baby killer, etc. He said that these people made him almost feel ashamed of being a soldier.

I'm proud of him and men like him who will stand up and fight no matter what the cost.
I'm ashamed of Americans who would spit on heroes.

What in the world is going on?

I read with complete disgust this morning the story about the "anarchists" who decided to deface the capital steps at the "peace" rally on Saturday. I'm just going to say a little about them since they don't deserve more than a word or two on my blog. If Right to Lifers had attempted to do the same a week earlier there would have been fines and people sitting in jail. These people are repulsive and they are not anarchists as they claim. The definition of Anarchy according to Websters Dictionary is: absence or denial of any authority or established order. The second they got togther and decided to act, there was order; therefore no anarchy. I know about anarchy. I've got 6 kids. Nuff said.

I read another story from the protests on Saturday that made me livid. Even worse than these lame graffitti artists. There was a soldier serving in Iraq in 2005. He was injured and sent to Walter Reed to recover from his injuries. Over Christmas, he was sent some cards from a school in the area. There were a number of them that said awful and insulting things about his service. Asking him how it felt to kill people, etc. Recently he had to have his leg amputated despite every effort to save it. He went to a counter rally on Saturday. After speaking to a group, he left the podium and was talking to a crowd when he was approached by some of the "peace" protesters. They spit on him! This one hit me right in the heart because my dad and step dad served in Viet Nam and were both spit on when they came back.
From Michelle Malkins site:

There were a few tense moments, however, including an encounter involving Joshua Sparling, 25, who was on crutches and who said he was a corporal with the 82nd Airborne Division and lost his right leg below the knee in Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Sparling spoke at a smaller rally held earlier in the day at the United States Navy Memorial, and voiced his support for the administration’s policies in Iraq.
Later, as antiwar protesters passed where he and his group were standing, words were exchanged and one of the antiwar protestors spit at the ground near Mr. Sparling; he spit back.

Good thing I wasn't there because I don't know if I would've been able to control myself. I thought we were past all this as a country. I just don't know how anyone can treat these men with anything but love and respect. They volunteer and lay down their lives for us. They deserve nothing but honor.

Again, Nuff Said.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The (Stupid) Motion Picture Academy Awards

I know I'm not the brightest bulb but I really don't understand the way movie awards work. "Babel" is up for 7 Academy awards I hear. Well, I saw this one by myself. The premise of the movie sounded interesting so I decided to check it out. In a word? Awful. Actually I could use stronger language but I want my blog to be clean. Maybe I'm just not intellectual enough to understand higher art or whatever the subtle messages were but I left scratching my head. To say it was strange would be an understatement. And there was this weird sexual angle I didn't understand at all. It was dark and depressing. I'm sure there must be some political message behind it. Otherwise it wouldn't be up for an award. That seems to be the criteria these days. At least with "Brokeback" I got it. Put your eyes back in-I didn't see it. And wouldn't. I get the political message. Gay love is the same as hetero love, don't discriminate against homosexuals, blah, blah, blah. I don't buy into any of it but that's beside the point. The awards are not about what's good or what gets butts in the seats. They have become all about getting some liberal message out. But "Babel"???
So here's my prediction:

Best Movie: Babel
Best Actor: Brad Pitt (he stunk too, by the way)
Best Documentary: Why "An Inconvenient Truth" of course. What else?
Best Animated: Happy Feet ("An Inconvenient Truth" with cute little penguins.)

What should win?
Best Movie: The Pursuit of Happyness. Cried my eyes out and so did my husband.
Best Actor: Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness-hands down his best movie
Best Animated: Cars- cute movie, no overt political message, could take all my kids without worrying.
Best Documentary: Come on. Who really cares?

But whose listening to me, the one who pays $10 to get into these movies? Apparently no one.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Let's Chat???" Not so much.

I heard Hillary's "announcement" on the radio. I refuse to go to the website to watch it. I just don't have enough duct tape to wrap my head in to keep it from blowing up. I'll tell you the biggest reason she won't get elected. This line: "let's chat. let's dialogue" NOBODY wants to sit down and chat with Hillary. While I don't think I have anything against a woman being president, I do have an issue with a chatty woman in office. Not only am I a woman I live in a house full of them. Good Lord! Enough talking! If this is what it means to have a woman for president, uhhh, no thanks. Women talk too much. The Presidency is about action, not chatting. God help us all if we get a hormone ridden conversationalist in office.

No longer a Republican

I have decided as of today to change my party affiliation to Independent. Let me make it clear that it is not because the Republicans lost. I have been seriously considering this move for several years now. This is not a decision I take lightly at all. I have been a solid Reagan Republican for 20 years. I've always voted a straight Rep. ticket. The power the Republicans had was power that I gave them with my vote. Well I won't be just be giving my vote away anymore. I am a Christian first, then a Conservative. Religious people used to be the backbone of the Party. This is no longer the case. The "Big Tent Party" has become too big for me.

Because of this decision, it will mean more work for me but also more work for whoever is running. More work for me because now I'll have to look at all the candidates to decide who best represents what I firmly believe in. More work for the candidate because I'm no longer going to vote for anyone just because there is an (R) behind their name.

This is not an easy decision for me to make but one I feel I must make if I'm to be an example to my kids of someone who stands on principal first.