Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All Alone at Last...With Al Gore??

When I finally get some "alone" time with my husband, there are certain things I hope won't pass through my mind. You know like my parents or my brothers, uh, doing the same thing. Well here's a new one. I don't want to think about trees, Al Gore(especially not AL GORE! ugh!!) or the environment.


Of course this is from the same country that thinks that the answer to global warming is contacting the aliens. So how can we expect anything different?

Not the least bit interested in what's going on outside while I'm in my boudoir.

Please, all you wacko environmentalists, keep your green thumb out of my bedroom.


Greg said...

The older I get, the more and more I am starting to think those wacko environmentalists may be onto something.

Think about it. We are slowly (not really that slow) destroying the environment. I remember when they first started selling bottled water. I thought they were idiots. I swore I would never buy bottled water.

I have loved water my whole life. But I cannot drink most of it, not even some bottled water. The pollutants in it make me feel like I have a hairball, and I cough and hack continously.

I look at how we are selfishly destroying our planet and wonder how much longer before it becomes a real mess. I feel for our children and their children. They will wonder why we were so irresponsible.

The Embedded Conservative said...

Wacko environmentalists are on to something all right. They've found a way to generate lots of cash by scaring people and spread their socialist agenda. WE aren't destroying the environment. Science has shown time and again that climate change is cyclical. The earth always recovers. We couldn't destroy Hiroshima with a nuke. The earth pushed plants right out of the ground again and there are people living there today. So I don't think my gas guzzling minivan, which I have to have because I have 6 kids, is contributing to climate change. Being a Christian, I believe that only one force in the universe can destroy the earth. GOD. We humans are just too full of ourselves thinking we can do it.