Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Here's the thing...

I'll just dive right in here. Feminism isn't necessary anymore.

Patricia Arquette is living in the past and a fantasyland all wrapped up in one.

In order to be a good modern, progressive (M.P.) feminist or 3rd wave feminist (whatever the heck that is) you have to be a victim. This is why I will never be a feminist. Now if I wanted to hang that sign around my neck, I certainly could. I was psychologically and verbally abused as a kid. Not what our modern culture calls bullying. We're talking real, damaging abuse that had far reaching consequences. The abuse was perpetrated by a man. Now, am I a victim? Nope. I dealt with it and put it behind me. M.P. feminism can't exist without a culture of victim hood, real or imagined. I'm not saying there aren't pockets or families where girls are being abused or oppressed. "Assholes are everywhere" as the saying goes. It is not, however the prevailing thought or culture.

When the feminist movement first started, it was all about making sure women had equal opportunities. They could vote, own property and have jobs that were relegated to men only. I don't have any real problem with that. But, like many good things, the movement has been twisted to serve quite a different purpose.  Today's M.P. feminists call for more. In it's evolution from voting rights, it has become a dangerous ideology. Ever since the 60's, it has become a way to demoralize men. Having the same opportunities as men suddenly wasn't enough. Now women have to prove they are better than men. Men have been emasculated for 40 years now. It's no longer about equality. Women have put themselves on pedestals and mostly undeservedly so. Modern feminism isn't about being equal, it's about dominating-on the job, at home, in marriage. Terms like 'patriarchy' and 'rape culture' are tossed around in an effort to make men feel bad about being men. "All sex is rape" and "Women need men like a fish needs a bike" The point is we need each other. We need men to be men and not be afraid of it. We also need women to embrace being a woman without being put down for our choices. Making a choice to be a stay at home mom for example. According to feminists, there's nothing noble in that. The only acceptable choice is to dump your kids in daycare and pursue your own interests.

For a lot of SAHM's, the choice to stay home is not an easy one. It means one income. It means less stuff, waiting to buy a home and driving crappy cars. In our family, my husband has made tremendous sacrifices, such as turning down promotions to prevent 80 hr. work weeks. Family comes first. I know there are families where 2 incomes is not a luxury but a necessity. I have nothing but respect for those families. Just don't denigrate me for choosing my kids over furthering my education and pursuing a career.

Rape culture. This one really rankles my soul. It isn't something new. It wasn't dreamed up by M.P. feminists. It was actually conjured up by a 70's female professor (Smith, Merril D. (2004). Encyclopedia of Rape (1st ed.). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. p. 174. ISBN 0-313-32687-8). It was and still is a way to state that men are sex crazed beings and women are always the victims. WHAT COMPLETE RUBBISH! I don't believe that every man wants to rape women. But that depends on your definition of rape. Some schools of thought out there actually state that just kissing a woman passionately is rape. Ridiculous. Rape is a violent act committed by someone with a sick, twisted mind. Most men are fine, upstanding people. Just because a man gives a double take doesn't mean that his mind jumps all the way to raping you. It means that he's a guy who recognized an attractive woman. It still happens to me from time to time believe it or not. But I don't whine about it or suddenly become victimized. I'm flattered and then I move on with my life. Women are beautiful. Men notice. That's what makes life on earth possible. Men these day's have become afraid of their own shadows. That's not the world I want to live in nor is it the world I want my girls living in.

The "war on women" is a farce dreamed up by a bunch of man hating M.P. feminists. It doesn't exist except in their imaginations. When you constantly imagine yourself the victim, it's not a far leap to believing you are one. We have all the opportunities we could possibly want. We have free speech. We can protect ourselves however we choose. A lack of access to birth control does not a war on women make. Besides, there is no lack of access. Condoms and other forms of BC are available in just about every store, gas station, and bathroom in America. Get over yourselves.

You want to fight a real war on women? Please go to the Middle East or Africa. Girls are being rounded up, kidnapped, raped, and sold into marriage starting at age 9. AGE 9. They don't even have all their adult teeth yet. They are complete slaves. There's your war. What women in the U.S. have dreamed up is completely ridiculous by comparison and detracts from the seriousness of the real war on women.  It keeps our focus here on an imagined "war" instead of on those areas where the real war rages on.

If men and women are permitted to express who they really are, there will be real equality. And the world will be a better place.

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