Friday, March 27, 2015

Political Correctness sucks.

Word mean things. Or do they?

I've seen a very disturbing trend in my 46 years. The words and phrases we used when I was a kid have gone through a drastic change and not for the better. Political correctness has invaded every part of our culture. Schools, media, books, news, everything. Now, there are some words and phrases that are overtly offensive. But I wouldn't dare tell anyone not to use them The 1st amendment guarantees our right to free speech. That means we accept the good with the bad.  Just because it offends doesn't mean it should be banned. This post deals more with words and phrases that have changed but shouldn't have or are completely ridiculous. Here we go.

Hyphenated American-This is just divisive, plain and simple. Suddenly we're not just Americans. We're divided into racial groups. This is one I refuse to use. We're all Americans. Period. I happen to be from German, Irish, and Native American descent. But I'm not from Germany or Ireland. If you live here and are a citizen, you're an American. Stop participating in the hyphenation of our country. It's ok to be proud of your heritage, even celebrate it. But also be proud of being an American. If you're not, there are lots of other places to live.

Racism-Oh boy. Where do I start? When I was growing up, racism meant judging or showing prejudice against someone of another race. This has been so overused and twisted that the original (and correct) meaning has been lost. It's also been used to instill fear. Starbucks just tried to inflame emotions over race by attempting to infuriate their customers who are already grumpy and in need of caffeine by starting a conversation about race. I believe there are racists out there BUT it isn't as prevalent as the media would like to believe. Race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Eric Holder like to stir up trouble and make it seem like ALL white people are racists and should be plagued with "white guilt". I'm not a racist nor do I have any guilt whatsoever on the topic. Shut up and go away already.

Sexism-According to modern definition, if a man looks at a woman, he's a sexist. Because such a big deal has been made of this one, men and women can't even relate to one another anymore. Men have to be in a constant state of insecurity and discomfort. And apparently women are the only victims. Men are complete pigs so can't ever be victims. This is not only stupid but inconsistent with all the "equality" stuff the left keeps screaming about. Another blogger I read had a vulgar picture of a woman's genitals sent to him over Twitter. How is this not sexual harassment and sexism? Was she taken to task? Scolded? Nope. She was celebrated. She's a disgusting human being. What if a man did that (ala Anthony Weiner)? His career, marriage, and life would be over. But if a liberal feminist does it, it's "empowering" and shows "confidence". Well, I can get both of those with a kettlebells class and I don't have to show my lady parts. Sexism has been redefined to mean any time a man relates to a woman and she chooses to make a bigger deal out of it that it is. Real sexism does exist. But feminists want everyone to see it everywhere. Well, gentlemen, you don't have to be afraid to talk to me. I'm not like the other girls.

Hate-This one gets pinned on Conservatives and Christians all the time which makes no sense. Christians (and most conservatives) are the least hateful people on earth. We don't hate people. We might hate their actions and how they affect others, but not people. Yes, there are a few fringe "Christian" groups (i.e. Westboro Baptist) who preach nothing but hate. There are Christians who talk one way and live another. That doesn't mean we're all haters. Expressing an opinion that's in opposition to popular thought isn't hate or "hate speech". But calling someone a hater shuts down communication. I've been called a hater and several other colorful names. Saying it doesn't make it true. I'm not a hater and I hope I never am.

Tolerance-To tolerate means to put up with. Wow, sounds awesome. That's how I want people to feel about me. I tolerate cleaning toilets, changing diapers, laundry and doing dishes. Tolerance has been redefined to mean "to accept the feelings, behavior, or beliefs  of someone"-M-W Dictionary. Tolerance doesn't mean acceptance. I tolerate video games in my house. I don't accept them. I tolerate differences of opinion. That doesn't mean I accept them. Tolerance and acceptance are not synonyms. The minute I accept your opinion, mine changes. I don't tolerate those around me. I love them. How would you feel if your spouse, child, or significant other said "I tolerate you" instead of "I love you".  Yet another twisted, overused word.

Phobia-Phobia means an illogical fear of something. I have a phobia about snakes. Large or small, poisonous or non, doesn't matter. I'm deathly afraid of them. But to call someone who disagrees with you a -fill in the blank- aphobe. makes no sense. I'm not illogically afraid of homosexuals. I just happen to disagree with them. I'm not afraid of Muslims. I just don't agree with the "death to America" chants. I've known lots of homosexuals and Muslims. I love them because I'm commanded to by God. This is just another inflammatory word used by liberals to shut down conversation or reasonable discussion.

Bullying-This one has been hyped so much that it's completely distorted. A lot of what is called bullying these days is what we used to call teasing. I was mercilessly teased all throughout school. I was funny looking, wore glasses, had red hair and freckles, and had a weird first and last name. Being teased was a regular part of my daily routine. But according to today's standards, I was bullied. NONSENSE. Too many kids today are being raised to believe that if you are insulted or get your feelings hurt, you're being bullied. I'm not saying hurt feelings don't matter. I am saying that when you convince your precious little cupcake that feelings are all that matter, they're going to have even bigger issues growing up and functioning in the real world. Why not teach killing with kindness? Or taking the high road will serve them better? Real bullying does happen. It always will because kids can be downright awful. Just don't label everything bullying.

Liberals are notorious word burners. They twist meanings and overuse words until they lose all real meaning. Or they just try to ban them outright. It's all in an effort to scare off real debate or honest conversations. Well, just remember this-this is for all sides-the minute the name calling starts, the argument is over. Once these twisted versions of words or phrases gets thrown around, it means you're out of intelligent ideas. If you and I are having a spirited debate and you start calling me a -fill in the blank- aphobe, a bully, racist, or intolerant, the show is over folks. I'll walk. Not because I "hate" you or I'm afraid of you. Because, at that point, you have nothing intelligent left to say. Name calling makes you look stupid and childish and I just won't do it. Period.

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