What happened in Charlottesville last weekend was tragic and heartbreaking on so many levels. We all saw the ugliest side of human nature. So much hatred on both sides not to mention the multiple injuries and the death of a young woman.
What led to all of this? I have a couple of theories.
There's a group of people that want to completely alter or even erase our history. This is so wrong on so many levels. This country has a colorful history just like any other country. But there's certainly more to admire and honor than to diminish and forget. The way the native Americans were treated was awful. Slavery was certainly a black eye. Segregation was a stain. But the thing is, we moved past it. Native Americans are now, for the most part, integrated into society. We were the only country in the world to fight a war on our own soil, pitting neighbor against neighbor and brother against brother, to free the slaves and unite us as a country. No other country on earth did that. Slavery was so despicable that men fought and died to stop it. Slavery still exists in a lot of countries. Where's the outrage? Our slavery ended 150 years ago. Give it up, folks. Segregation was ended by the races joining hands, literally and figuratively, and making it happen. Unfortunately, there are some schools and colleges trying to bring it back. They've forgotten our history.
That brings me to my second theory. We have an entire generation or more that has been taught that socialism is cool. Communism is just another political movement and completely legitimate. The history books have scrubbed them all up and made them nice and shiny. You want a good example of socialism? Take a look at Venezuela. -- http://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-venezuela-unrest-pictures-20170504-htmlstory.html
This is how socialism ends EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME. Without exception. I've studied it extensively. There is no other outcome. Think it looks pretty in Canada? Their tax rate in Ottowa is 53% and their healthcare system is one of the worst. They have no freedom of speech. They can't protect themselves. At this point, I believe a terror attack is inevitable. They've spent so much on social programs, they won't be able to defend themselves. In Iceland, they've all but eliminated Down Syndrome babies. How? Abortion of course!
Think communism is just as valid as any other political movement? Communism killed 94 million people in the 20th century. This continues today in North Korea. Think they're the outlier? Wrong. The methods they use have been used to control people for well over a century. China still has a one child policy and forced abortions. Cuba is poverty ridden. But communism is so cool. Let's all grab that Soviet flag and a Che t-shirt because it's so trendy. You look so rebellious. Now let's go beat the hell out of people that disagree with us!
Neither one of these philosophies has any place in our country. You can't polish a turd. The schools these days are certainly trying. But it won't work. There are too many of us out here who know the truth and won't shut up.
Here's the thing. This country has its fair share of scars and flaws. But think of that person in your life that you love. Could be a friend, spouse, parent, child, whoever. Are they completely perfect? Of course not. Maybe they have scars. Maybe they're damaged mentally and emotionally. Maybe they're chronically ill. Whatever it is, do you dump them or want to destroy them? Of course not. You try to help them and still love them. It's the same with our country. The good definitely outweighs the bad. We can come together when we need to. When tragedy strikes, we pull together and help each other get through it. When the Olympics rolls around, we cheer together as a nation. This is the country I love.
What purpose does destroying or altering our history really serve? Where does it end? When every monument is destroyed? When every sacred place is trampled? For some people, nothing will ever be enough.
Time to stop. Take a look around. There's more to value than hate.