I am white. German and Irish with a little native American thrown in. You don't get much whiter than that.
I am heterosexual. Cisgender if you want the P.C. term for it which I hate. I love men. Especially my husband. My dad is the patriarch of the family. I say that without hesitation or shame. I'm grateful for him every day.
I am female. Not just how I identify myself. I have girl parts and my estrogen is higher than my testosterone.
I am, most importantly of all, a Christian. Not just a cultural Christian, meaning not Jewish or Muslim. A born again, bible believing Christian.
I believe in the Constitution THE WAY IT WAS WRITTEN. Not the way it's being interpreted but the way the founders wrote it.
I am also a conservative libertarian. Gasp. Yes, I said it.
Now, you could assume a lot things about me based on what I just said. This is what's happening everywhere in this country right now. If you say any of this, especially if you are conservative, an awful lot will be assumed about you. This in a time when no one is supposed to judge anyone based on color, gender or any other factor. At least that's what I've been told. But if you are a conservative AND a Christian, nasty names will be thrown at you from some of the most "tolerant" people in society.
Let's break this down.
I am white. I'm not ashamed of it. It's not racist for me to say it. I am not a racist for saying it. I am very proud of it. Why shouldn't I be? This is the way I was made. Now, according to current thinking, all the way up to the White House, racism is also part of my DNA. I'm hearing a lot of people talking about 'white privilege'. An awful lot of the media and the left wants to divide us up into groups by race. The left has a group for everyone. Hyphenated Americans. What a shame. I don't feel that way.
That's certainly not what MLK Jr. preached. His message was all inclusive. The current message is far from it.
I am heterosexual. I've always loved men. I make no bones about it. Now anyone could put this together with my faith and conservative views and assume that I'm a homophobe. I hate homosexuals. I want to oppress their rights as Americans in some way. I've said this before-because of my faith, I'm not allowed to hate anyone and I don't. What I don't want is for any group to get special rights because they are a special group. That's not equality. Equality is the name of the game these days. But when the left says it, they mean something very different from it's original meaning.
I am female. I wasn't born male and decided to reject my makeup and DNA and change sexes. I was born a girl. Everyone was born with, ahem, parts. You have boy parts or girl parts. I suppose if you want to change that up, it's your choice. But you better also accept that no matter how much you change the outside, your insides will remain as God intended.
I believe in the Constitution. Is it a perfect document? No. The men who wrote it were men, not angels. But our country was built on it. All our laws are based on it. Again, not always right but certainly better than any other country on earth. That document guarantees our rights. We also have the right to toss our government out and start over. I think it's time to consider that option.
I am a conservatarian. The minute you say you are a conservative, many, many assumptions will be made about you. You must hate gays. You must be a racist. You must be a hater. You must hate anyone different from you. You must hate the poor. You must love big, corrupt businesses. You must blah, blah, blah...And people will assume all of this and more, simply based on your political leanings. I've had it done to me, repeatedly. Without talking to me or asking any questions or finding out what's going on in my head, I must be all of the above and worse. Wow. I sound like a horrible human being.
I am a Christian. Boy, has this one gotten a bad wrap. Christians are the most vile, hateful, disgusting people that have ever existed. At least that's what you would believe if you listen to the current narrative. Not Muslims who behead, drown, electrocute, and blow up anyone that doesn't tow the line. Not Muslims, who currently own slaves, kidnap girls as young as 9 to be "brides", and have an active death cult going on. When that happens, we're told that "that was just a one off. A lone wolf. That's not real Islam". To call these people animals gives animals a bad name. Animals don't act like that. Dogs have more compassion. But if a Christian says something "wrong", if a Christian screws up, which we tend to do, being sinners and all, all Christians must be condemned. They are all guilty.
Assumptions. Assume-makes an ass out of u and me. But mostly you, if you do it.
Now, anyone can read this and think whatever they want about me. I really don't care. But there's an awful lot of hypocrisy out there from those of us that claim to be the most tolerant.
There's certainly a running assumption out there that racism is absolutely everywhere. Based on the actions of one racist sociopath, all of us white folks deserve to be tarred with the same brush. Tarred and feathered. This is all perpetuated by a complicit, obedient media that tells us what they are told to say by the government. The narrative must be maintained. Damn the truth. The truth just gets in the way of a good story. Good stories sell. Truth doesn't.
Sidenote--the attack on the good people of Charleston was not political. It's not the fault of a flag or a gun. Shame on all of those who tried to turn it into a political football before the bodies had even been removed from the church. One evil man did a horrible, evil, racist thing. This is not a systemic problem.
Where does it end??
I really don't know. I have no idea how to combat this.
We have a whole generation, brainwashed by schools, colleges, and the media to believe the absolute worst of Christians, conservatives, and anyone who doesn't mechanically repeat the story. Christians are evil. Conservatives are racists and homophobes. White people should be ashamed of being white and are all racists. The Constitution is outdated and should be tossed. If you don't believe all of this, you can't be part of the club. You'll be drummed out and ruined.
What a shame.
No one is allowed to have an opinion that differs from what is dictated by the left and speak publically about it. Yikes. What happened to free speech?
Where's my country??