Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Recall Nanci Now!

I thought Nanci Pelosi was insane when she threatened to tattle on Vice President Cheney. Apparently her insanity had not come to fruition. Just how much good will it do for her to trapse around Syria and other radical Islamic countries touting "peace"? Absolutley none. Brace yourselves-I'm about to say something that is very un-PC and would upset the Euroweenies: Radical Islam is evil. I'm not going to beat around the bush about it. Her trip over there is only making us look weaker. And we don't need that right now. Oh sure, they are making a big show and probably making her feel like a rock star. But let's face it folks, women are treated as half human in these countries. If she actually lived there, she'd only live as long as she was useful to them. Then, off with her head. Or stoning. I guess that's the prefered method of getting rid of female rifraf. She's pandering to the hate America crowd with this trip. Also giving the liberal media and people like Rosie O'Donnell more ammunition. "See? The leader of Syria is a nice young man. He doesn't want to hurt anyone." Meanwhile he's openly funding terrorism and killing Americans and Jews.

Nanci's trip benefits no one. Absolutely no one. If her goal is to make us look like France (gag!) she's probably succeeding. But I don't want to be French or German for that matter.

The only thing these people understand is force and aggression. The only thing that will pull them in line is if we make them afraid of us. They just won't respect anything else.

I wish there was a way to recall Nanci Pelosi. But the media is eating this up and they're in love with her. So she's touted as a hero.

Meanwhile, the real heroes of this struggle, our soldiers, are painted as dangerously agressive. And thanks to Ms. Pelosi and her cronies may not get the funds they need to survive let alone continue the good fight.

I happen to think that's treasonous. But hey what do I know? I'm only a humble voter.